Wellness with Vanda

Crafting Daily Joy: 2NN

Vanda Season 1 Episode 15

Redefine self-care with me as we explore my 2NN method, tailored into a personal daily commitment to joy and well-being. Picture this: you're sipping your favorite tea, or diving into a quick yoga flow—not for the world, but for you. In this discussion, I'm unravelling the true essence of self-care, stripping it back to simple, yet deeply gratifying activities. By setting aside time for two non-negotiable acts of self-love daily, we unlock a path to a nurtured and refreshed state of mind, without the pressure of extravagance or expense. 

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Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome back to episode 15 of the Wellness with Vanda podcast. I'm so excited to be back here with you guys this week and this is probably going to be somewhat of a short episode, but I wanted to talk about something that I have not discussed on the podcast yet, and that is real self care and my approach to adding self care in on a regular basis every day and kind of how I manage that. And so, first of all, I think that self care gets a bad rip, like we think of self care as being more like extravagant things, like going to get enough that these are extremely extravagant, but, you know, just like things that take time and money going to get a pedicure, going to get a massage, going to get your hair done I think that's traditionally what we think of when someone says, well, what are you doing for self care? And if you really think about it, those things like, yes, they might bring you joy, yes, they're caring for your body, yes, they can be forms of self care. But if self care is something that we're supposed to be doing on a regular basis, as frequently as possible, you know, we can't go get a pedicure every day. We can't go get a massage every day. We can't go get our hair done every day, so we need to find things that are in what I consider in my mind to be truly self care, and these are things that either care for my body, care for my mind, care for my mood. In some way they like lift me up, boost me up.

Speaker 1:

So there was a tactic to this that I learned several years ago from Lindsay Chambers I don't know, I just stumbled over that. She's a mindset coach and she called this method her three for me, and that was just. I had a newborn at the time and I love the idea, but it was just overwhelming to me and I needed to modify it, because the whole point of doing this act, having this practice, is that every day you feel like you've got to do something for yourself, and that is so key, especially for a new mom. That is in that phase of like postpartum and newborn hood, and maybe you've got other toddlers at home or maybe even you don't. It's just like a really overwhelming time where you feel like you are doing everything for everyone else and you have nothing left for yourself. So it was really like it was at a crucial time that I learned about this.

Speaker 1:

But with the three for me, you were supposed to do three things for yourself every day, and that's great and all, but it was just I couldn't get it done. I couldn't achieve it. I would go into each day and I would pick out what my three things were going to be and I just couldn't get it done. And so at the end of the day, instead of feeling good because I got to do something for myself that day, I felt bad because I didn't get to do enough for myself that day. I didn't get to do all three of the things I wanted to do. And you know, there would be some days where I'd get all three done, but more times than not it was only one or two things that I could get done and fit into my day. And so it just kind of occurred to me one day I was like well, why am I trying to do three things if I've pretty well proven to myself that I don't have the time or the capacity or whatever to do the three things right now, why don't I just try two? Why don't I just try one some days? And so that I really like kind of flipped the script on that and decided that I could do two things today, and I have always referred to this as my two non-negotiables.

Speaker 1:

If you've been hanging out in my realm for a while, you have heard me talk about this before, but I think it's a good time, even if you have heard me talk about this before, to have a reminder, because I know that at this, like end of winter coming into spring, but like there's another Arctic blast on the agenda soon, it's just a good time to remind yourself that self-care is still important and still need to be working on it and being intentional about it every day, and when you do you feel so much better. So I've kind of already explained what the two in it is, but to like lay it out there for you, you're choosing two things that you're gonna do just for yourself during that day that bring you joy or care for your mind, body, soul, something in some way. And once you commit to those two things, you need to like make sure you get it done, because that's the key. The key you hear really is it is about the things you choose that you're doing because they're rewarding and they bring you joy, but it's also the satisfaction at the end of the day to say yes, I said that I was gonna do these things for myself and I did it.

Speaker 1:

So some of my like everyone's two in in the things that they choose are gonna be different, because what brings me joy might not bring you joy. Some rules to it kind of are like this can't be things that you're doing for someone else. It really needs to be something that you are like just selfishly doing for yourself because it brings you joy. So it can't be like well, it brings me joy to see my kids play soccer. So today one of my things is gonna be going to their soccer game or taking them to their soccer practice. It's because you're really doing that for your kids, you're not really doing that for you. Even though that brings you joy, you're not really doing it for you.

Speaker 1:

I'm talking about something that you want to do for yourself. So it might be reading a book. It might be listening to a book if you're like me and you don't have time to read, but you can do audible. It might be sitting in your favorite spot in your house in silence for five minutes and enjoying a tea, coffee mocktail. Whatever, it might be going through a five-minute yoga flow that you really enjoy and makes you feel good when you're done. It might be using like a really nice lotion that smells good and like makes you feel good. It might be doing a facial on yourself at home. It can be literally anything. It just is something that you do for yourself, that you enjoy while you're doing it, and it brings you joy, it cares for your body in some way.

Speaker 1:

So, and again, you pick two things, and typically the way that I recommend you do this is like first thing in the morning you can think about what you want your two things for that day to be, or you could pick it the night before when you're going to bed for the next day. I don't. Typically my two things are not the same thing every single day. Sometimes they are because, like in the summer, I take a walk outside almost every morning and I love to do that and it truly does like fill my cup up. But it's like, if, okay, the summer lasts, let's say, two to three months, if I'm doing that every day for two to three months, does that really count as one of my two? And NCS, it sort of does, but I kind of push myself at that point to be like at this point. That's a habit and I'm looking to expand beyond what my normal habits are.

Speaker 1:

So I just wanted to like talk about that a little bit today because, like I said, as we are at the end of winter and it's like the weather's getting better, but it's still not great and it sounds like we're gonna have some really crappy weather in the next few weeks, I'm just I need to be intentional about this, especially with, like, I've been feeling bad and feeling tired and stuff, so I haven't been as diligent about doing something for myself every day. Like I've literally just been surviving the day and getting by and that's not ideal. And I'm finally like coming out of that first trimester ick a little bit, I think, knock on some wood somewhere, someone and starting to feel better. So I need to get back into some of my self-care practices. Okay, so last thing that I wanted to leave you with today's Tuesday, when you're hearing this or when this, I don't know when you're hearing it, but when this goes live, it's Tuesday, and on Friday of this week, so on the 16th, is that the right day? So the right day, let me look. Yes, the 16th, at noon, eastern time.

Speaker 1:

I am doing something that I have not done before in the past and I'm very excited about it. I am hosting a mineral workshop. I'm calling it Minerals for Mamas, and it's gonna be a pretty quick workshop. It'll probably last around 30 minutes, but then I'm gonna leave time at the end for people to be able to ask questions or, like get my personalized feedback on something. But I'm gonna be breaking down, like why are minerals important? Which minerals are most important, what they do for us in our body, how do you know if you need to be supporting your minerals? How do you support your minerals? What signs and symptoms can supporting minerals like help either reduce or eliminate? And I'm gonna do it. I'm presenting everything in a way that's like very simple, easy to understand.

Speaker 1:

Because I think I'm so glad that minerals are having a moment on the internet right now, because when I first started learning about minerals, I was like why did people keep the secret from me? Like I'd never knew that this was so important and could help me to feel so much better. And, wow, wish someone had told me sooner. So I'm glad that people are talking about it and sharing about it, but I think that sometimes it feels a little overwhelming because different people have different opinions and different theories and different like outlooks on what you should do and what you shouldn't do, and what you should take and what you shouldn't take. And sometimes we get into this like I don't know mindset that we have to be taking a bunch of supplements to support our minerals, and you know Supplements are expensive. And then you get into like, where do I get the supplements and is this a trustworthy site or company? And it can just be a bit much.

Speaker 1:

And what happens, what I see happen is that, especially for moms, when something our lives are a little overwhelming already anyway, so when something is overwhelming or difficult or it feels hard, then you're not gonna do it, you're just like well, maybe I'll learn more about that another time, maybe I will talk about a few weeks you want, like maybe when my baby's older or whatever it might be. It's just something that gets put off. And unfortunately Then you're still left in this state of like feeling Tired all the time, run down, having mood swings. You're not showing up as the parent and the wife that you want to, or the friend that you want to, or all the above. And there's really help to be had With these really simple purchase to supporting minerals, and that's what I want to help, like, get the word out there about, along with the fact that you don't have to do it perfectly in order to feel the positive effects, because I think that's a Excuse me.

Speaker 1:

I think that's another thing that, like this picture gets painted that you have to eat all the perfect things all the time or do all like these certain things every single day in order for it to be beneficial or for you to see the positive effects or for it to work, and that's not the case at all. There is room for flexibility and not so optimal choices, in combination With some really good choices, some really health conscious choices, and I'm all about balance, and I think that you guys already know that. So that's something else that I want to cover in this workshop is just like kind of taking away the I don't know stereotypical need to like you can only do it this way and it has to be done perfectly, or you might as well not bother, because it's BS in my opinion. So, if you want to get signed up for that workshop, it is again happening on Friday at noon in zoom Eastern time. Yes, there will be a recording sent out, because I realize people work during the day.

Speaker 1:

I get it, but that's when it will be live. But, however, like, if you want to sign up and you know that you just can't make it live, that's totally fine. There's gonna be a replay sent out and I'll even let you submit a question. If you have one or something Prior, you can just email it to me and I'll make sure to address it during that live Q&A at the end. So To get the link for that to get signed up, you can find me on Instagram and it will be linked over there. So I hope you guys have a great week and I will talk to you soon. I

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