Wellness with Vanda

Suprise! We're having a baby!

January 23, 2024 Vanda

Sharing a quick personal update and sharing that on next week's episode I'll be doing a breakdown of my recent HTMA test! 

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back. This is the 12th episode of the podcast. Today is going to be a short and sweet one, with lots of personal updates and kind of some information on what you can expect throughout the rest of this year and over the next few weeks here on the podcast. So this past weekend we had the kids' birthday party, so I have a lot of winter birthdays with my babies. Two of them have December birthdays that are super close to Christmas, and then our oldest has a birthday in February, towards the end of the month. But we never try to have their big birthday parties in December close to Christmas. We usually try to wait and do it in January. So it's like once we get into January we're so close to our oldest birthday that this year it just felt like it made the most sense to do all three of them together.

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And we did something a little bigger. We rented some time at one of the gymnastics places that's close to me, so like they got to jump on the trampolines and they have a huge bouncy house in there that they blow up and they get to play on and the kids had an absolute blast. It's only like two hours long. You book a two hour window and that doesn't sound like much time. But once you actually get in there and the kids are playing so hard for two hours, by the end they're kind of ready to like chill out and move on to something else. So that was a lot of fun.

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The weather kind of sucked. Of course we were inside, but it was still icy for certain people so they couldn't get out. It was still very cold. So just traveling to there did probably prevent a few people from being able to come and enjoy the time with us. But overall we had a great turnout. The kids had a blast and they loved it and it was a lot of fun. So we did that this weekend and then we just spent some time at home.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, it's still really cold here. Today is the first day in probably over a week or almost a week that it's going to get above freezing and I hope that it helps melt this ice and snow that's hanging around because everybody's over it. The kids haven't been to school. They didn't go all last week and they didn't go today, but I do believe they will go back tomorrow. I feel pretty certain. So that'll be good, because our oldest Anthony he does best when he is in a routine as all kids do, I feel like and he's definitely out of his routine and he loves school, so he's ready to go back and see his teachers and his friends and be back to normal.

Speaker 1:

So if you have been hanging out with me on Instagram, you saw that I made a pretty big announcement this week, a personal update announcement we are expecting another baby that will be coming at the end of August and we're very excited about it. I am still early. I will be nine weeks this week and I wanted to go ahead and share just because I felt safe to do so. I felt comfortable to do so. I know that that's not everyone's choice and that's obviously totally fine.

Speaker 1:

But I also felt like I could not show up and talk to women about hormones and infertility and minerals and feeling well and prioritizing your health, when I felt like I was keeping this secret that I was pregnant. That's obviously impacting all of my choices right now. It's greatly impacting the way that I feel and it's going to change some of the choices that I make right now in terms of what supplements I'm taking. It just felt like I couldn't show up and be authentic and transparent, like I normally am, with you guys about whatever's going on in my life until I shared that. So I have felt very awkward since the first of the year, even in the two podcast episodes that I did, and then just showing up on Instagram stories. It's just felt very awkward. I'm glad that it's out there. I'm glad that everyone knows I shared even before we got pregnant that I did not think that I would keep this a secret from really anybody this time. I know that it's necessarily like you're keeping it a secret before or like that we have with other pregnancies, but you know it's. I feel like it's traditional to wait until you've had like your first ultrasound or your first doctor's appointment because you just want to make sure that everything's okay, and I completely understand that.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time, I think that it Does lead to a lot of women suffering in silence either, suffering through what they're dealing with in their first trimester and sometimes how crappy that you feel and the nerves that you have and just like the anxiety of like I hope that everything's okay, I hope my baby's okay. How do I know if I'm okay? And then you know I can't speak for other women because I have not suffered a loss, but I have many friends that have, and my mom suffered two losses when she was somewhat close to my age, and I think that when you know we're not sharing with people that we are pregnant and Then something does happen, we either have to share with them that Well, we were pregnant but we've had a miscarriage and that's really hard, or you just Continue to not share it and then you're really suffering in silence and trying to handle all of that on your own and you know nobody around you really knows or understands why you are maybe acting a little different or you seem distracted or you seem upset, and I think that that's really sad that we I don't know as a society and specifically as like Women together as a whole, haven't kind of maybe figured out a better way to support each other during this like Really delicate, emotional and just hard kind of time. It's a very exciting time, but but there is a lot of hard and a lot of Scary things that come along with it. So I felt like I also just wanted to Be a little bit of an example of someone Sharing their news a little earlier on and that being okay and it being you know it being okay, even if something happens.

Speaker 1:

And I, I did Contemplate that I did. You know my husband was kind of like isn't it early, don't you want to wait? Like we haven't been to the doctor yet or anything, and you know I, finally, I just just like you know, I think that if Something were wrong or something were to happen, I'm gonna want Support and I'm not gonna want people around me to wonder like what's wrong with her, like what's going on, like I it's not that I would want people to be constantly like Talking to me about it or asking if I was okay, or you know, I don't know, I haven't been in that situation so I don't know exactly what I would want, but I think I definitely Wouldn't want to feel like I was Struggling by myself and nobody knew what was going on. So we decided to go ahead and announce. We also do not go to the doctor for a very long time and I, you know obviously I have had two pregnancies previously.

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My most recent pregnancy was two years ago and there. So those appointments really started almost three years ago and there's just been a lot of things I feel like have changed, at least at my OB office, since then I'm not going to be. I'll be 12 or 13 weeks when I go for my first appointment and I feel like that is a pretty big change and I think that just like the way that they are treating prenatal care is changing a lot, I've had several friends tell me recently that they're not wanting to do like ultrasounds very often anymore in those like early weeks. So I'm finding it very interesting to navigate this again, but it'd be so different than it was before and I'm interested to see, like what all they tell me at my first doctor's appointment, what testing they order, what they won't order. You know, I'm just curious to see how it all goes and a little like I don't think anxious is the right word about it, but I'm just curious to see how it goes.

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I have some friends that are pregnant right alongside me, that are, of course, going through this with me at the same time, and it's very interesting to hear these experiences compared, and especially for ones of us that like where some people that I know are local to me and some are not, and so it's interesting too to get the different perspectives from like. Well, I go to this OB office, or you know here where I live. This is how they're handling it. If any of you guys are also pregnant and kind of navigating through all of that and have like an experience to share, please let me know, because I just finding that all very interesting right now and, honestly, some of it I'm finding very frustrating, and I won't get into all of that today, but I will share more about that later.

Speaker 1:

So I shared this on my Instagram stories when I announced that I was pregnant and I want to, I want to announce it here as well and just kind of like let you know like what to expect, because I'm very conscious of the fact that I have women in my community here that struggle with infertility and I know that hearing someone talk about their pregnancy can be very triggering, and I understand that. So if that is something that's hard for you and not something that you feel like that you can hear and listen to at this time, then I understand. Don't feel like you have to listen to the podcast, don't feel like you still have to like, watch my stuff on Instagram, read my emails, whatever it might be. If you need to take that pause for yourself, then that's absolutely what you need to do Now. That being said, I do not plan for these podcast episodes, my Instagram content emails to all be cluttered with like pregnancy, pregnancy things all the time, and I won't only talk about, you know, hormones and minerals in terms of pregnancy and preparing for postpartum and preparing for breastfeeding and stuff like that. I will still have my normal take on content and sharing information in terms of hormones and minerals and a little bit of mindset stuff for moms. That is what I will always share about.

Speaker 1:

But you know, like I kind of said a little bit ago, this is what's going on in my life, and I try really hard to be transparent because I think that I'm at a very relatable stage in life for a lot of women in motherhood and raising small children and trying to still prioritize themselves and their health. I think there are a lot of women that are going through that right now and, in order for me to be able to share how I implement what I teach, I also share about my life along with it, and part of that is going to be this pregnancy for the next, you know, eight plus months. So I just wanted to put that out there. So I that's pretty much all that I had for this particular episode because I just wanted to share the news with you guys that you know I know not everybody is on Instagram and you know I love that you guys just hang out with me here on the podcast so I wanted to share the news with you and tell you, you know, what to expect, I guess, over the next few months. So I probably will give some updates you know what big milestones or I'll probably give an update after the first appointment at the end of the. You know, I don't know maybe when I cross over into that second trimester, which will be around the same time, honestly, with the anatomy scan, like the big things you know. But it's not something that I will talk about every single week on the podcast, just because I do, like I said, wanna be sensitive and that's not what you guys are really here for. Anyway, as much as you guys, some of you love on me and love hearing about, like, my family and my kids and my personal life, that's not really truly what you're here for.

Speaker 1:

So next week on the podcast I have an exciting episode, or what I think is exciting, what I think you guys will think is exciting. I shared a while back that I clipped a new HTML test for myself and I knew when I clipped it that I was pregnant and knew that, like once I got these results back, that would kind of shape and inform my decisions that I made supplement wise, prenatal wise, like everything going into this pregnancy, and I will obviously like share those the supplement type things too. But I really wanna do an episode where I'm breaking down the results and like what I can see in my body and how my body's been handling stress and like what areas I'm still depleted in and like what areas I can see progress from the last time I did an HTML test and kind of talk through some of that. So that will be what we do on next week's episode and I probably will try to record it so that I can screen share and show you the results and maybe make that available as like a YouTube video or something new promises. But I did kind of think about that. I think that would be a good idea for you guys to be able to like look back at it if you actually wanted to see the results and see what they looked like. So I may do that.

Speaker 1:

But that is all I have for today. I'm gonna leave you with that. I hope that you guys are having a great week. I hope that wherever you are, you're staying warm and hopefully you're like us. You're expecting some much warmer weather by the end of the week. I will talk to you guys soon.

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