Wellness with Vanda

22: I Can Help You Become a Healthier Momma this Summer

Vanda Season 1 Episode 22

Unlock the secrets to a vibrant, healthier lifestyle as I walk you through the treasures of the Healthier Mom Summer Bundle. This an array of carefully selected resources designed to enhance every aspect of your wellbeing. From revitalizing your mornings with my signature protein-packed breakfast guide to enriching your family life with engaging child activities, this bundle is curated to nurture the body, mind, and spirit. Whether you're seeking guidance on fertility, postpartum care, or just craving some authentic parenting advice, these free resources—available for a limited time—are handpicked to empower and inspire your health journey.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, welcome back to the podcast. This week's episode I'm going to utilize to talk about the bundle that I'm hosting that went live yesterday. So this is the Healthier Mom Bundle, which you guys have maybe seen me or heard me talk about before, because I have hosted bundles in the past. But this is the summer edition and what this means is that there are about 30 new contributors and completely new products inside of this bundle. So, even if you have signed up for one of my bundles in the past, you're still going to want to sign up for this one, because you can get completely new items resources, checklists, trainings all for free that are geared towards helping you become healthier. Now you guys know or if you're new to me and you don't know you can listen to, I think, the very first episode of this podcast.

Speaker 1:

You know that to me, health and wellness is like all encompassing in several different aspects of our life. It is not just about the food we eat, the exercise we do, how much we weigh, what we look like. It is how we feel in our body, how we show up in our normal, like day-to-day life, how successful we feel we are, how connected we feel to people. So, with all of that being said, there are several different categories of different types of products and resources that I have included inside this bundle. So there are things geared towards nutrition and exercise, but there's also a lengthy section with mindset tools. There's some parenting advice in there, there are things on fertility, there are things on caring for yourself, specifically in the postpartum period, and then there's some really cool things that you can do, like activities with your kiddos and ways to better connect with your kids. So I thought what I would do on my computer screen in front of me, I have pulled up the list of items that have been included inside this bundle, and what I thought I would do is do a quick read through of what those things are and then, at the end, I'm going to give you instructions on how you can get signed up for this bundle so that if there's something that I talk about and you're like, yes, I want to, I want to get that, you can get it, and get it for free Now, since this is a podcast and it's possible that you are listening to this far into the future. I do want to call out that this is a timed bundle and not something that you can take advantage of at any time. So this is going live on Monday, april the 15th and it will only be available until Friday, april the 19th. So if you are listening to this past that time, keep your eyes and ears out, because I, as I shared before, do host these bundles a few different times a year and they're always packed with really incredible resources and they're free, all right.

Speaker 1:

So let's get started. First off, what I contributed to the bundle this time is my protein-packed breakfast guide, so that I can speak to it a little bit more than I can the others, because it's mine. There are five like recipes in there that all have been designed to where they have about 30 grams of protein for breakfast. Now, I'm not always as hung up on getting exactly 30 grams of protein at breakfast, but getting protein at breakfast and having a pretty decent amount of protein at breakfast really sets your day up for you to feel energized and not have cravings later in the afternoon. So that's why I kind of put that together to give you some ideas. There's some recipes in there for, like, some smoothies and just different ideas for you. So if you would like to snag that for free, I normally sell it for like $14, but if you'd like to get it for free, you sign up for the bundle. It's on the gift page for you, and I guess I should back up just a hair and say that that's how this bundle thing works.

Speaker 1:

If you've never heard of a bundle before, don't feel bad, because probably about a year ago I hadn't either. But this is really cool. It's when business owners come together to collaborate and decide that they're going to offer something that they would normally have as a paid product, they're going to offer it for free for a short period of time, um, and typically bundles like mine have a theme to them. So the way that this works is you will first sign up for the bundle, then you'll get an email from me with the secret access page to where you get to go in, and it's like you're filling your goodie bag. Um, you get to pick and choose which of these things you want to sign up for and which ones you would like to redeem, because you definitely don't have to redeem them all, because there's probably going to be things in here that you're like, yeah, I don't really want that. That doesn't appeal to me or I'm not in that stage of life. I don't need that right now, but don't let that discourage you from signing up because, like I said, you go in and pick and choose which things you want.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'm going to start to read down this list. So the first thing on my list here is a minimalism guide. It says minimalism without deprivation, so kind of teaching you how you know you can be minimalistic but not feel that deprived feeling. Then we have a self-care for mompreneurs guide. We have nutrition for hormone health workshop Guide. We have Nutrition for Hormone Health Workshop Series. We have the Family Favorites Cookbook. We have Harmony at Home, the Power Kiddos Survival Guide. We have a love your body manifesto, helen's of health kitchen, which is a.

Speaker 1:

I know a little bit more about this one and I don't feel like the title fully like explains what it is. It's a membership and you inside the membership you access tons of recipes that are like family style recipes. Then we have Sweet Spot, a blood sugar mastery guide for moms. We have the Ultimate Gratitude Journal. We have a quick grounding reset postnatal yoga series with a DPT which is a doctor in physical therapy. That's definitely what only one I'm going to be snagging for myself to use postpartum.

Speaker 1:

We have the social confidence journal. We have the quintessential fertility companion, a daily stress and mood monitor. We have a self care guide for moms, a healing your inner child workbook, a postpartum recipe workbook or, I'm sorry, a postpartum recipe book. It's not a workbook. Then we have Unleash the Fun and Relaxation. It's coloring for moms and kids. We have Connect and Explore nurturing parent-child bonds through sensory play. I'm intrigued to check that one out. For sure. My kids love sensory play things, and we have just a few more to go here. We have Start your Day, the Embodied Way Guidebook, the Beginner's Guide to Holistic Health, five Practical Tips for Healthy Boundaries.

Speaker 1:

Mastering your Mismatched Sex Drive Workshop I know that that is we talk a lot about like low libido here in my community, so I feel like that's one that several of you guys will be interested in checking out. This one is also kind of like fertility and libido related. It's called Primal Remembrance, a Reclamation Journey for Mothers no-transcript. We have an intuitive journaling for expecting parents, the ultimate healthy pregnancy and baby care bundle. A quick workout workshop get more energy and focus in 20 minutes or less. And then, lastly, we have the non-toxic and sustainable swaps for every budget, and I know that's something that a lot of you guys are super interested in and something that I am not like an expert in by any means. I'm like on that swap and journey with you guys are super interested in and something that I am not like an expert in by any means. I'm like on that swapping journey with you guys. So I was super excited to see that submission come through because, like I said, I know it's something that several of you guys are interested in and I think can be super helpful for you. So, like I said, that's about 30 different things.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, like I said, not everything is going to appeal to you or sound like something that you want to take advantage of, but there's so many awesome resources in there. You would be silly to not sign up and get on that gift page where you can, like, I just read you the titles of what these things are, but on the gift page there's actually a short explanation of, like, what each thing is. So sign up for the bundle, visit the gift page, read through these different resources and decide, like, what do you need to help you this summer? What of these things could you take advantage of, learn something from and implement into your day-to-day life. That's going to help you be a little bit healthier this summer, which is really the whole goal of the bundle and why I wanted to put it together and why we're getting started on it now. I know, technically right now it's just spring still, but kind of barely spring really, but it just felt right to call this the summer edition of the bundle, so I said that I would give you instructions on how to sign up for the bundle.

Speaker 1:

Probably the easiest thing you can do because you could do this even if you didn't have an account is to find me on Instagram. I am at wellness period Vanda. No, I just goofed that up. At wellness period Vanda. No, I just goofed that up. I'm at wellness period with period Vanda wellness with Vanda. And you can. It will be linked there in my profile so you could find the link. That way, if you're on Instagram, you can just shoot me a DM that says healthy mom, and my handy dandy robot assistant will automatically send you the link healthy mom and my handy dandy robot assistant will automatically send you the link. Or, if you want to send me an email, if you don't do Instagram and you don't want to get on there, you can email me at vanda, at wellnesswithvandacom, and just say, hey, I'd like that bundle link you were talking about, and I will be happy to send it over to you. So that's pretty much it. That's that is what I had to talk to you guys about today.

Speaker 1:

I have some really exciting things coming up over the next like several weeks. I have a giveaway that I'm going to be doing that I'm like pumped about. That'll be announced after this bundle wraps up. Then I have a very exciting little secret project that I'm working on that will launch in June. That, I think, is going to be super fun, super impactful, help a lot of people, be a really accessible tool for a lot of women, a lot of mamas, and I'm very excited about it. I've been working on like promotional materials all day today some graphics and drafting, some like emails and different things, and I'm just very excited about it. So I'm going to leave you guys with that. I hope that you have a great week. I will be back, I assume, next week, you know, good Lord willing. So I'll talk to you guys then.

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