Wellness with Vanda

29: WWV Club Sneek Peak Part 2 + Book Recommendations No One Asked For

Vanda Season 1 Episode 29

Ever wondered how to master your sleep or support a healthy gut, all while juggling a busy mom life? Join us as we unveil the Wellness with Vanda Club, a brand-new membership program launching on June 24th, designed specifically for moms on the go. As soon as you join, you'll have immediate access to pre-recorded modules that tackle everything from optimizing your sleep with practical habits to bolstering your digestion. Each lesson comes with a detailed workbook to help you seamlessly incorporate these life-changing insights into your daily routine.

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Speaker 1:

Hey friends, welcome back to the podcast. This week we are going to dig deeper, go a little further into the sneak peek that I've been giving you of the Wellness with Vanda Club. If you didn't listen to last week's episode or you're not sure what the Wellness with Vanda Club is, that is the membership that I am launching officially on June 24th, which is just like two weeks approximately away now, and I have been sharing with you in last week's episode, this episode, and then I'll be sharing some more next week about what is actually inside the club, because I think it's important, especially when you're joining something like a membership or you're going to take a course, you're going to work with somebody to know kind of what you're getting up front, like that's just fair right. We don't buy anything else without kind of knowing what we're getting and what the deal is. So I've been talking through the modules of what's included in the pre-recorded section. This is the stuff that is immediately available to you as soon as you join the membership. So last week we talked through two or three of the modules and today we're gonna talk through the rest of them. Now, just as a reminder, these modules are broken into individual lessons that are super short, that I did that intentionally so that they were easily digestible and easy to listen to and that way you didn't have to like start and stop or get halfway through like a training and need to remember I was at the 23rd minute mark and when I come, when I've got time to come back to it, that's where I need to pick back up. I didn't want you to have to do that, because I know what it's like to be a busy working mom that has 50 million things going on. Kids are, you know, needy. They're screaming in the background and you just you don't always have a lot of time to sit down and listen to like a one hour, two hour training. It's not practical for us, so I'll kept these short and one topic at a time, so that it was easy for you.

Speaker 1:

What we're starting with today is the master, your sleep module. This goes far beyond just like hey, you need to sleep more. That's obvious. Everybody knows that. We know that getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night is best for us, but it's a lot. That's one of those things that's like a lot easier said than done. It's a little harder to execute on that, so I wanted to teach you ways, give you habits, teach you skills that would help you actually get more sleep and set you up for success, instead of just like blanketly giving you this advice, like, hey, you need to sleep more. That's not very helpful. We already knew that.

Speaker 1:

So the individual lessons in this section are about morning light. This goes into like how morning light affects us, how to get it, how long you need it, why it supports our circadian rhythm. Then we talk about the sleep-wake cycle, which again is is again talking about the circadian rhythm. Those two like tie together really well. And then we have the nighttime routine and, in case you missed last week's episode, with each of these modules I've then put together for you what I call a module workbook.

Speaker 1:

It's really not a workbook because there's no work for you to do. I probably need to rename that, but anyway it is a. It's where I've taken notes for you because, since I went into this with the intention to make this as easy as possible for a busy mom to consume it, remember it, apply it, actually use it. I don't want this membership to be one of those things that, like, you buy and you pay for month after month and you actually never really use it. That being said, I took the modules, the lessons, and I didn't want to make slides for them because I wanted you to be able to listen to them on the go, no matter where you were, no matter what you were doing. If you were catching a lesson every time you folded a load of laundry or you did the load of dishes or whatever, I didn't want you to feel like you had to look at the screen or try to take notes, because that really inhibits your multitasking. So I took notes for you. So these workbooks that are associated with each lesson are like me writing down for you the most important things that I said.

Speaker 1:

All right, so then we move on to the next module, which is supporting a healthy gut. We have a lesson here on fiber, water and prepping for digestion, and again, there is a workbook those notes that I take for you to go along with it. Then we have the replenish your body module. I love this one because this is where we get to talk about minerals, and you guys know how much I love talking about minerals. So there's two lessons here minerals for all, and then clean food, air and water, because that is super, duper important. Even like, before we get into work with like supplements, we need to make sure that our food, air and water is as clean as possible, and that also does have a workbook of notes for you.

Speaker 1:

Last module that we have is understanding your monthly cycle, and honestly, I've thought about moving this module to the very top, because this is like where we get that crash course of shit we should have learned in high school okay, maybe even middle school, like at some point. As a woman with a cycle with reproductive organs, with female sex hormones, we should have been taught this stuff. So I have a lesson on what a quote unquote normal cycle is fertility basics, cycle syncing, and then a lesson on managing painful periods, because I know that a lot of the women that come to me that are working with me are struggling with periods that are like disrupting your normal life at least a week or so out of the month. Even if it's not painful, it's like there can be other complications too, like heavy bleeding or just the PMS is really extreme. So there's some tips, suggestions, supplement recommendations in there inside that lesson specifically to periods, and then after that we have a lesson on like what your next steps might be. There's a little lesson in there on HTMA testing, which you guys have heard me talk a lot about on this podcast. But I wanted it to have a place inside the membership too, because, although you're going to learn a lot from just the membership alone and getting those foundations in place, if you get to the point with the foundational stuff that you're like stuck or not seeing progress or not seeing progress as fast as you would like to the foundational stuff that you're like stuck or not seeing progress or not seeing progress as fast as you would like to, the next step that I would recommend would definitely be an HTMA test. So I've got that laid out for you. Then there is a resources section where I have put together a master list of all the resources that I have linked with inside the lessons. I have a meal, snack and recipe guide and, yeah, there's some other things that I will be adding into that section as time goes on, because you know like there will naturally be more resources to come, and then there will be a guest trainings resources section.

Speaker 1:

So on next week's podcast episode, I'm going to be breaking down for you kind of a high overview of what I have planned for the club for July, august and maybe even rolling into some of September. Because, in addition to this pre-recorded stuff that is like ready for you the weekly check-ins, the private chat feature, where you've got the option to ask me questions and I'm going to be in there at least two days a week answering those and giving feedback and stuff there are going to be other pop-up events and trainings and special things all throughout the year that you will get as part of being a membership member. So I'm going to reveal some of what I have planned. I have some exciting things laid out for us and I'm very excited about it, and I'm happy to talk about that next week to give you, you know, a continued sneak peek look behind the curtain of what I have planned.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited about this membership. I think that it's going to be really valuable and useful for so many people. So if you want to be sure that you get notified the second that the membership is available for enrollment, you're going to want to make sure that you are on my email list. There is always a link in the show notes for you to join my email list. So if you do not get my emails, please join that and make sure that you're keeping an eye on your email the morning of June 24th. Now, what I will also say, kind of reveal I don't think that I've like really shared this before is that there's going to be a special offer, an opportunity to get a special bonus for those that jump in right away. So I'm not going to give, like the full details on that. You'll have to wait to find out exactly what those are, but one hint would be that it helps you save a little money and then, for the other thing, like a special little time with me that I don't offer up very often. So, um, that's really all that I have for you guys.

Speaker 1:

This week it's been a crazy week here around my house. I feel like summer is always crazy, but like I love it. Um, we're very busy. We're in the middle of fall when it doesn't rain, which is super annoying. Um, I've been taking Anthony to some camps. So, like he went to basketball camp a couple of days last week, we've been at soccer camp three days this week. I'm working. I'm like preparing for the launch of this membership. I've got some bundle stuff going on, lots of exciting and fun things going on, and I've been reading, reading a lot. I love going on and I've been reading, reading a lot.

Speaker 1:

I love to read, I've always loved to read, and I got out of it when Anthony came to live with us and then, shortly after Kenley was born, because I just didn't have the time, and for a while I was really resistant to try Audible because I just didn't think that I would like someone reading a book to me. I didn't think that I'd be able to get into it. But let me tell you I love it. I'll probably never go back to reading physical books, even when I have the time, because I really love to multitask and I really love to have background noise when I'm working. So it's like the perfect combination for me because I can listen to these books while I'm driving, while I'm working, while I'm doing dishes, while I'm doing laundry, while I'm in the bathtub, like any any time.

Speaker 1:

Pretty much I can pop my book on and like I've read three books in the last like week and a half and I take this in spurts, like I will read, read, read, read, read, and then I might get finished with a book and not pick another one up and start another one and then kind of like fall out of the habit or get really into like something else, like podcast or something, and it'll be like three or four months and haven't read a book at all. So I always share in my Instagram stories when I finish a book, like what it was and if I liked it or not. Honestly, I haven't read a bad book in a while. Like all the books I've been reading have been so good. I feel dumb, like saying like it's a 10 out of 10. It's a 10 out of 10. I highly recommend it. But I mean honestly, like they've all been so good.

Speaker 1:

I read I'm terrible with remembering titles and authors, so like, forgive me, but I read Funny Story by Emily Henry. That's her new one. I like her books. I've read almost all of them. I think Loved it, probably my favorite of her books. Then I read Reminders of Him. Colleen Hoover also loved it.

Speaker 1:

Then what was the name of my? Let me see if I can pull this up on my phone. I can't remember and I just finished it, like two days ago. I hope this doesn't start playing. Oh gosh, and I don't know how to say her name. It's Abby Jimenez, I don't know J-I-M-E-N-E-Z. So like there's been a lot of people posting because this is her newest book. Her new book that's called Just for the Summer, and I wanted to read it because I heard it was great.

Speaker 1:

But then I also was told that she likes to, um, like she will re-pull in characters from past books, like they're still all pretty much like standalone titles you wouldn't have to read the past ones but you get like little glimpses into the lives of past characters, and I love when authors do that, because I always hate when a good book ends. It's like I want to keep going with these characters, like I want to know what happens. So that caused me to want to go back and read all of her prior books, because she doesn't have that many. So I started with the Friend Zone, which was a book she put out in 2019. And, oh my God, it was so good. I sobbed through part of it, which you know I'm 28 weeks pregnant right now and a little hormonal, so that might have contributed. But I, immediately when I finished that one, picked up the next book, um, so right now I'm reading the happy ever after playlist and so far I think I'm like 16 or so chapters in by the time this podcast episode drops on Tuesday morning because it's Friday. Right now I'll have finished this book because I can't stop listening to it like it's so good. Um, so anyway, that was a little tangent on books. If you're looking for any recommendations and a plug for audible, if you haven't and not just audible, but just like audio books in general if you haven't given them a try, don't knock it till you try it.

Speaker 1:

I had this preconceived notion. I think that all of the readers were going to be like bland and boring and they're not like. There's definitely been a couple books that I've downloaded and like, oh, I cannot listen to this person talk for the next like 12 hours. I just can't do it and I haven't finished the book, but more times than not, they're very good readers and they just give the characters a little extra pizzazz. I feel like, um, so here's your plug for that. I'm gonna leave you with that. I hope everybody has a great week. I'll be back next week to talk to you a little bit more about the Wellness with Banda Club and I'll see you then.

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